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MAGGI Noodles Salsa Recipe
20 Min
If you need a bit of sweetness, a bit of spiciness, some crunch and a whole lot of colour in your life – we’ve got your back! So, whether it's a lazy Sunday afternoon brunch or the crazy midnight hunger pangs, this recipe is set to become your BFF. Try it out and share the love!
20 grammes
Tomates, rouges, mûres, crues, en moyenne toute l'année
10 grammes
Poivrons, doux, verts, crus
10 grammes
Poivrons, doux, rouges, crus
1 cuillères à soupe
Oignons, crus
3 grammes
Feuilles de coriandre (coriandre), crues
11 grammes
Poivre, banane, cru
1 grammes
Menthe poivrée, fraîche
1 Paquets
MAGGI® Nouilles instantanées masala 2 minutes
2 cuillères à soupe
MAGGI® Hot & Sweet sauce tomate piquante
0.5 cuillères à café
Ail, cru
20 Minutes
Step 1
5 Min
Prepare ingredients as mentioned in the list.
Step 2
10 Min
In a bowl, mix all the ingredients, except the MAGGI Masala Noodles. Crush them well, with the back of a spoon and your salsa is ready.
Step 3
5 Min
Cook the MAGGI Masala Noodles as per the instructions on the pack and pour into a bowl. Put the salsa on top of the cooked MAGGI Noodles and serve hot!
Recipe PDF
Download PDFNutrients
Les glucides
60.33 g
527.36 kcal
Les graisses
11.31 g
6.56 g
Information per serving